Modern Slavery Statement

Rainbet is committed to conducting business ethically and combating modern slavery in all its forms, including forced labor and human trafficking. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any practices that deprive individuals of their basic human rights and freedoms.

We require all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to fully comply with all applicable laws prohibiting modern slavery. This includes the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Australia Modern Slavery Act 2018, and similar legislation in other countries where we operate.

Our core principles and ongoing efforts to prevent modern slavery include:

  • Thoroughly vetting suppliers and business partners to ensure they meet our strict ethical standards
  • Providing training to staff on identifying and mitigating modern slavery risks
  • Establishing clear policies, procedures and accountability for adherence
  • Maintaining grievance mechanisms for workers to safely report any concerns
  • Regularly reviewing and strengthening our systems to enhance compliance

We are committed to transparency in confronting this complex global issue. We welcome feedback to continually improve our ability to detect and eliminate any form of modern slavery from our operations and supply chains.

This statement is made pursuant to legal disclosure requirements and will be reviewed and updated annually.




